Shawl Update
Here's the progress I've made on my latest hand woven shawl. As always, click the picture for a larger view. The color looks off because of the metalic gold wall my loom hangs on. It's a yarn with a dusty rose color and a creamy white. It's done in the continuous weave method and uses the fringing technique I previously wrote about. I only have time to weave a strand or two through each day, so progress on this one has been slow. I've also come to the conclusion that I'm going to run out of yarn before I finish so I thought up another way to finish it. You'll have to wait to see what I've come up with. I'm hoping to have it done by next weekend. I'll be photographing what I do to go along with instructions in case it works. I'm also having trouble thinking of a good name for this one. Got any ideas?
I just wanted to say hi and thank you for your postings on the triangle loom. I was bitten by lap looms a year ago and am ready for the big shawl triangle. I have a whole set of the 7 inch and all the Weavettes. I also have a knifty knitter strip loom I have been playing with. I will share your ideas with my friends.
Thanks Dana. I just had to replace my computer. Tonight I'll be loading my photo software for my camera. Then I can finally download all my new photos. I've got two shawls done and two more on the looms to show and write about (yeah, that means I built another loom too).
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